Madawaska River
These waterfalls are the Madawaska River as seen along the Track and Tower Trails at Algonquin Park, the images are hand-held as I wasn’t expecting such a beautiful opportunity to do some waterfall images.
These waterfalls are the Madawaska River as seen along the Track and Tower Trails at Algonquin Park, the images are hand-held as I wasn’t expecting such a beautiful opportunity to do some waterfall images.
My son Chris rows for Trent University, the Canadian Championships was held at the PanAm site in St. Catherine’s, Henley Island.
It’s a long drive to cheer like only a mom can … for about 30 seconds. So a side trip to DeCew Falls between races was in order. No-one told me how long the hike is, or how muddy and treacherous. When I got to this falls, I might have looked puzzled as it wasn’t what I was expecting. Nope the big falls was even more difficult to get to … I’ll save that one for another day and bring ropes etc.
I took a couple of selfies to celebrate the hike, and returned to cheer on Chris.
There is still action on the Beaver River, the fish are becoming more colourful as the run continues and they reach the end of their journey.
Introduced from the west coast, these fish have made themselves at home in Georgian Bay, swimming up rivers like the Beaver River to spawn. They made it to the second their falls at Slabtown, where 50 or 60 sat under the falls with tails too long to fit, then they attempted to swim up the falls which were entirely the wrong angle for their efforts, most faded due to exhaustion and floated back down stream. In some of the photos you can see how the heavy fish would jump the first tier just to land heavily into the cement. It was kinda sad to watch, this dam could easily be re-engineered to help the fish.
Fish were moving up the Beaver River during the fall spawning Run to get to the nesting areas. Rarely do I see so many jumping, so tonight was special. There seemed to be Chinook Salmon and Rainbow Trout. Why are the Rainbow Trout with the Salmon? Because they are actually wrongly named Salmon! These fish were jumping at the Slabtown Dam, so they had already made it through the Thornbury Fish Ladder, and Clendenam Dam. In the calm eddies you could see many larger fish resting.
This photo above is one of the very few that made it 🙁
Above: Chinook and a Trout leap at the same time, the heavier fish landed with a thud on the cement and the trout made it to the second stage of the falls.
So, this was beautiful yet upsetting … people were running everywhere, do they not see that we were on the edge of a cliff? It seems that every week someone falls off the edge goofing around or taking a selfie, it’s quite the mob scene at these Hamilton area waterfalls, it make Grey County water falls seem peaceful! I did not get the shots I was hoping to, I now realize the spectacular shots I see were done be trespassing and walking past signs saying not to, so I didn’t. This is what you see if you go there.
Yep, I fell big time on a tippy piece of shale, it won. I was wet and bruised, the camera survived thank goodness! Located on the Bruce Trail near Heathcote Ontario in the Beaver Valley.
Beautiful, the perfect holiday beach with white fine sand that went on forever. This photo was from my first night walking down the Beach with my hosts Pauline and Ron who I thank very much for their hospitality and putting up with my ridiculous birding.
The water flowing down the steps at Flesherton pond by the park gazebo
Beaver River at Beaver Valley Ski Club flowing through the cedars.
The Beaver River flowing over the bridges at Beaver Valley Ski club, a trench has been dug to attempt to save the bridges by rerouting the water, which immediately filled to capacity.
Eugenia Falls mist form the torrent of water
A rare look of the Eugenia Falls over flowing. The overflow dam was almost opened which would have resulted in evacuation of the valley.
The bridge by Heathcoate greenhouses, Riverside nursery
Behind Brent and Jenny’s house we went for a walk after Thanksgiving dinner, this is what I call Jenny Falls. Located in the Beaver Valley, the main waterfall is about 50 feet.
Every water falls should have a name, they mark the miles of the Bruce Trail. This images is from the bottom of what we call Fraser Falls. It can be found below the Beaver Valley Bruce Trail behind my parents house. It is a tiny creek which fills up after a rain or spring melt, it cascades over the escarpment rocks and has hollowed out a cliff of clay which is at least 50 feet high.