by Wendy | Apr 9, 2018 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls
It seems a little odd to be seeing them in April … soon they will be on their way north.
Project Snow Storm has trackers on many owls, it’s interesting to visit the web sight and see where they travel to, you might be surprised.

by Wendy | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls
I don’t think there is much more pleasant than a nap in the morning sun after a long cold winter.

by Wendy | Dec 17, 2017 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls
On a beautiful winter day, if you look carefully enough, you might see these majestic owls about 1 km apart. Stoically guarding their hunting territory.

by Wendy | Mar 31, 2017 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
The Snowy Owl migration is well under way, there are a few stragglers left, they have been heading up the Bruce Peninsula to their summer nesting grounds way, way up north. Enjoy this sequence of one landing on a farm fence post.

by Wendy | Jan 17, 2017 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
It’s owl season and there are lots of them, watch the top of posts when your driving past flat pastures!
by Wendy | Mar 10, 2016 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls

by Wendy | Mar 2, 2016 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls

by Wendy | May 18, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls
Just got sent a photo of a magnificent Snowy Owl photo custom ordered to fit a 40×21 inch space. It sure looks great with the wood grain adding to the look… Thanks to Sandy for sending the pic of a pic!

by Wendy | Mar 14, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls

by Wendy | Mar 5, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
They will soon be gone back to the far North … enjoying them while I can.

by Wendy | Feb 23, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls

by Wendy | Feb 9, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
We had freezing rain along the Escarpment on Sunday, leaving the upper elevations coated in ice and snow. I happened across this beautiful scene, loving the way the barbed wire curled around the fence post to the key subject. One of my favourite owl photos.
by Wendy | Jan 27, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors

by Wendy | Jan 11, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors

by Wendy | Jan 9, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
This beautiful bird had a long flight and found this stump and didn’t want to move, to the delight of several photographers who walked right up to her and took a photo or two or three or…. well you get the idea. The ditch under the stump had an abundance of mole tunnels making for good snacks for this migrating owl, how long it will stay to rest remains a mystery, some move on and others seem happy to stay.

by Wendy | Jan 8, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
This bird seems to be contemplating … how many mice are enough or I wonder if I should have my own Facebook following? This is likely the most photographed of the owls.

by Wendy | Jan 7, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
It was a gusty day in the snowy fields… time to get out of the blowing snow and into something an owl can get a hold of.

by Wendy | Jan 6, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
This Snowy Owl is checking out a dead mouse that my cat killed, then the feed truck drove over in my barn yard. Just look at the way it’s looking a the dead mouse, couldn’t fool this bird. They were right, she/he didn’t fall for it. Up until now all the birds I have photographed are after rodents that populate the country side. I do have a photo of a bird coming in for a mouse that was set out as owl food from a few days ago, I happened by a fellow who carefully feeds the birds not unlike having a bird feeder in your yard. It doesn’t do the owls any harm and likely helps them survive the winter. Owls eat colonies of rodents, when there aren’t any left, they move on … feeding owls is like providing a colony of mice, when they are gone, the owls will move on no worse for wear and in better condition. I however feel kinda bad for the mice and personally I can’t bring myself to do it. Note: because I am so independently minded, I don’t believe everything I hear … so I have put a lot of time and research into the feeding of owls, and I am satisfied after watching the practice for four years that no owls have been harmed, and I believe many owls have benefited from being fed.

the dead mouse in the snow bank below (more…)
by Wendy | Jan 5, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors

by Wendy | Jan 2, 2015 | Blog, Owl, Snowy #71, Owls, Raptors
What a great image to start off 2015!