Grackle – female

by Wendy | May 19, 2020 | Blackbirds & Orioles, Grackle, Common #9
by Wendy | May 1, 2017 | Blackbirds & Orioles, Blog, Grackle, Common #9, Perching
by Wendy | Apr 2, 2017 | Blackbirds & Orioles, Blog, Grackle, Common #9, Perching
Such a common bird, I can’t get over how the light reflects such beautiful colours. These early birds were digging through the leaves looking for bugs or worms, they seemed to have some success even though the ground is fairly frozen still.
by Wendy | Mar 30, 2016 | Blackbirds & Orioles, Blog, Grackle, Common #9, Perching
These Grackles arrived from the south to the ice storm and starving hungry. I bought a bag of corn for them, they ate and ate. Here you can see the beautiful breeding plumage of the Grackles.