Sanderling in winter plumage

Wasaga Beach is a great place to family portraits, which is what I was doing when Tammy pointed out this shore bird running in the surf.  I was intent on what I was doing and it had run right up behind me.  So of course I took a few photos, challenging to identify it’s first year fall/winter plumage.   they spend the summers in the high Arctic, migrating south for winter.

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Sandhill Crane Chick

This family was working their way along the shore line, I stayed somewhat still, and they walked right by me minding their own business.  I feel good when my presence doesnt interrupt what they were doing and they continue on without giving me much notice. As they mosey along finding bugs to feed the chick, they also tried to show it where the bugs are found and encouraged it to pick them up. Fascinating.

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Ring Billed Gulls #175

Wow #175 is one of the most common shore birds in Ontario… sometimes we simply need to stop and enjoy the birds right in front of us.

ring-billed-gulls-1 ring-billed-gulls-2Mature Ring Billed Gulls

gull-3 First year Gull without a clear ring around it’s bill.

gull-2 Young Gulls with brown feathers, preaning  on the beach.



White-breasted Nuthatch

While it’s cousins prefer pines, this fellow prefers deciduous tress.  They are frequently at the feeders, taking the nut of the seeds and hiding them for later in the tree bark. They are always here at the farm year round, I see them often yet rarely post a photo… here we go, a fall Nutchatch at he feeder.white-breasted-nuthatch-8 white-breasted-nuthatch-7 white-breasted-nuthatch-6 white-breasted-nuthatch-5 white-breasted-nuthatch-3 white-breasted-nuthatch-1