by Wendy | Oct 4, 2015 | Blog, Sandpipers, Wetlands, Wilson's Snipe #140
Almost all of my snipe photos include a fence or fence post… yes a road is boring but it’s nice to have a change of Snipe scenery! It was sitting in the middle of the road, I’m amazed that I didn’t run over it while driving past the peat swamps south of Dundalk. Anyhow, here it is, a Snipe on the road lol.

by Wendy | Apr 15, 2015 | Blog, Sandpipers, Wetlands, Wilson's Snipe #140
Every year for many years this Snipe has returned to his post on Grey Road 32. I was quite happy to see him today.

by Wendy Webb | Jun 10, 2013 | Blog, Sandpipers, Wetlands, Wilson's Snipe #140
This Snipe has been visiting us every year for as long as I can remember, it stands on this post resting one leg. I often refer to is as “the one legged Snipe” I wonder how old it is? How long do they live for?