Red-breated Nuthatch
by Wendy | Nov 12, 2017 | Blog, Nut Hatches White & Red #33 #172, Perching
by Wendy | Mar 27, 2017 | Blog, Nut Hatches White & Red #33 #172, Perching
by Wendy | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog, Nut Hatches White & Red #33 #172, Perching
The fall migration has had a slow start, however the birds are coming thru. The trees we full of loud birds this morning here on the farm. There are several warblers in the bushes which I can’t identify in their fall plumage and no camera in hand. This little fellow was an easy one, and new to me. It is likely passing thru and stopped for some niger seed with the Chickadees.